As for life with two sweet little wild boys, it is a lot of fun and very demanding. I think that is just parenthood, it is hard. But it has been by far the most rewarding thing I have ever done or will ever do. I had lost my phone for four days last week and had no idea where it was. I finally found it in the little potty of Grants! The only reason it was found was because Grant wanted to try going potty and I happened to be right there! Miracle? I think so! Timmy is gone to New Orleans for four days and I am trying to be brave. The boys ask every night where he is and we all miss him.
Another funny thing about expecting another boy are peoples reactions. When the boys and I go to the grocery store, we create quite a scene. The kind people around me ask, "Are you having a little girl?" And I say "no, another boy." I can see the pity and sadness on their faces. They then say "It will be all right!" Yes it will be all right! We just want this cute little boy named "Bennett" (hint, hint) to be well and healthy, we can't wait for our little addition. In fact he can come before his due date, if he so chooses.
Here am I with my amazing belly! Yes I am feeling really brave at the moment!