Sunday, June 21, 2009

Will this baby come 3 1/2 weeks early?

If this baby is anything like Zach he will be coming tomorrow! Zach came as unexpected early surprise and he continues to surprise us everyday! I will give you a brief rundown of his delivery. To begin with i had gone to education week the week before and had been walking around BYU campus several times over so I think that contributed to the early birth! The day before he came, which was Sunday I noticed that my belly had dramatically dropped. That night around Midnight I felt just a tiny bit of water. I got up and searched on google about water breaking. (As you can see I didn't read a lot of pregnancy books!) It said that if there isn't anymore fluid in a half an hour it is probably something else. Well after waiting nothing else came, so i thought everything was fine. The next morning which was Monday I told Timmy to go to work because I was sure everything was fine. I got a little more water so I called my mom and she said to call the nurse. The nurse told me that I should go to the hospital immediately. So I threw on some clothes, didn't eat anything or take a shower because I was fully expecting to come back home after this little inconvenient visit to the hospital.

I drove myself to the hospital and found out that my water had broken but I was only 1 centimeter dilated. I hurried and called Timmy to tell him the news and he rushed home to pack the baby bag for the hospital fully to expect the baby to come as soon as he walked through the door. It unfortunately didn't happen that way, it was a long waiting game. I had gone into the hospital at 10:30 am and didn't have Zach until 1:24 am. They put me on potossun and when the nurse said that I should be in a lot of pain when a contraction happened, I quickly got the epidural. Even though I wasn't feeling that much pain, I didn't want to take my chances. In fact the epidural man became my little buddy and I saw him a total of four times!

By 11:30 pm I was ready to push, and so I halfway pushed for the first half an hour because I wanted my little boy to be born on an even day and not on an odd day. I don't know what my thing is with odd numbers, I just don't like them! However I should have tried a little harder because I ended up pushing for two hours, because Zach was coming through the wrong way. The doctor finally came and said that he was going to use the forceps to turn him around and that if I didn't push really hard he was going to have me go in for a C-section. (This was the same doctor who said that if I ate any sugar or salt I would gain three pounds the next day. I didn't like this doctor!)

Zach came within a half hour after the doctor showed up! and it was an incredible experience. Zach looked so beat up with bruises on his head and a lot of red marks over his face. I actually thought he looked like a little grandpa! There was so much to take in, and little did I realize what a great adventure this boy would take me on. I love him with all my heart and can't wait for him to meet his little brother. Except this little one cannot come tomorrow because Timmy is at scout camp!

This is my favorite picture of Zach, because he looks so tough and is already featuring the Zach face.


Becca said...

Thanks for sharing Zach's birth story! I hope everything goes well with baby #2 -- hopefully less pushing and no forceps! Also, it really is best to avoid Pitocin if at all possible. Even if it is just to augment labor, your chances that your baby will go into fetal distress and need a c-section (like what happened to me with James) goes way up. Doctors really need to start disclosing the risks up front, so that the patient can make an informed decision if the benefits are worth the risk. Good luck!

Becca Cox

Alexis said...

Oh, I love that Zach face! Poor little beat up guy.. I hope baby 2 comes with less pushing on your part and NO forceps for him. Ouch! It would be better for me if he came early as well - but I can wait up until July 11th :}

Jamie said...

Poor little beat up Zach! It's funny because his little face looks the exact same (minus the red marks and bruises)... I love that face. I really do hope this next one is a lot easier for you. Hopefully Zach paved the way for him so it will be a nice delivery! Take care and we'll see you and baby #2 when we get back! I can't wait!

Ashlee said...

Aww poor thing (both you and Zach)! Hopefully this next one will come quick, easy and painless...a girl can dream right :) We are excited to meet the new little one. Good luck with everything!

A Painted Diary said...

I just am glad that I was your first visitor. Sorry you had stalkers!