We began the festivities by dressing up for mothers group. Zach was supposed to dress up as Superman, but he found the turtle costume that Grant wore last year. He somehow squeezed into the 6-12 month costume. Grant would only put on a costume that closely resembled clothes, so he wore pumpkin pajamas.
On Saturday Timmy and Zach undertook the amazing job of carving the pumpkin. Zach was very much involved while Grant wanted to eat, and then play with his football.
Then Saturday night we went trunk or treating it was delightful. Zach finally wore his Superman costume.
On the official Halloween night, Zach donned his favorite outfit. Grant with much coaxing, put on his sweatshirt and pant pumpkin outfit. Timmy is trying to start the trend of socks and flip flops, Eliza is the one who is an avid follower.
Halloween night continues. I was able to go to the store after Halloween and purchase some costumes that were 90% off. Let's just say I had a lot of fun and so did Zach! Some of the costumes are 12-18 months, but that tends to be Zach's favorite size. Grant on the other hand was more than happy to be done with all the Halloween nights.
In the end Zach has the same attitude of Halloween as his mother. It is our third favorite holiday right after Christmas and our birthday. It is a magic night where candy is being given to you right and left.
Grant is on Timmy's side of his dislike for Halloween. Grant did not become overjoyed when he saw candy being put in his Halloween bag. He did not like the concept of dressing up. Like father like son.
However they both liked the pumpkin patch!
Such fun pictures! Tell Zach he can come and trick or treat at my door any time of the year! Hope you guys are feeling better over there.
Holy costumes Batman!!!!
ANGELA!!!! It's Tanja!! I was able to spend time with Nicole last night and she told me your blog address so now I will naturally blog-stalk you :) We have one too, it's tanjaandbrad.blogspot.com. I hope everything is going well, your kids are A-DOR-ABLE!!
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