Sunday, February 1, 2009

We're Back!

Thanks for all the faithful followers of our blog. Mainly Marie, she's been asking us when we were ever going to post again. Well today is your lucky day! We have been living in Michigan since August, and we are really enjoying it here. The only draw back is the cold. It is very intense, it feels like there are icicles piercing you all over. But the other seasons are ace, the only problem is that winter is half of the year. Tim enjoys his schooling and professors. Zach is now walking and starting to become more verbal. I am learning how to be a mom, now that I have moved away from my family. Luckily we moved across the street from three awesome ward families, that have taken us under their wing. We couldn't function without them, and they are truly a blessing to us. Here are some pictures of what we have been up to these past months.

Zach enjoys playing in the laundry.

Zach's first birthday party. We had a little party with the neighbors. Zach did not know how to handle the crowds and so wouldn't touch his cake. I knew that under the right circumstances he would be an amazing cake eater. So when we got home we let him have his own piece of cake, and that's when he lived up to his true cake smearing, eating potential.

Halloween is Zach's new favorite holiday. He couldn't believe that people were handing out free candy! The whole night he never let go of his pumpkin. When we returned home, he showed us each piece of candy from his pumpkin pail.

Zach and Timmy are the best of friends. When Timmy gets home everything is better. Zach loves this little tricycle, but it is hard to keep pushing him in it because you have to bend down so low. Timmy solved that problem as you can see. Those duplexes across the street are where our amazing neighbors live.

Zach has a nightly ritual with my mom who is called the "Lucky Grandma". Every night she calls and sings a song that she made up for him, he gets so excited. Now he is to the point where he grabs the phone and walks around the duplex talking to his "lucky grandma". They have the greatest time.

Zach used to have a bath every night. Things have changed, now we do it only every other night. Mainly because his hair catches most of his dinner. Depending on how close to his bedtime, he either loves bathtime or hates it, luckily he mostly loves this special time of day with his dad.

Thanks for reading! I will write again soon because I am trying to limit my nap time. Please excuse all of the typos and not knowing how to flip the pictures. That will come with time, as this is my first experience as a blogger.


Marie said...

Excellent! Zach is so cute! I love the bath picture, it looks like he's singing. Being a blogger isn't that hard now, is it?! :)

Brittons of Provo said...

yay! We are so happy to see pictures of the Onade! He is looking so cute. Keep updating, we want to hear how you are doing. Also, you can see pictures of our new arrival on our blog, Love ya!

The Brittons

Paul and Christy Johnson said...

Yeah, you are back. The pictures of Zach are so cute. it was great talking to tim the other night. Hope you are doing well Angela. See you in march.

Amanda said...

Zack had gotten so big! its amazing how fast they grow!