Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby Grant is here

Grant Timothy Johnson was born last night, 7/20/09 at 11:17 and weighed 8 lbs 2 oz, 20 inches long. Here is a brief report of how it went. We went to the weekly appointment in the morning and the doctor said she thought everything was ready to have the baby and we could go to the hospital that night, she would break the water and then persuade the baby to come. So we kinda just strolled into the hospital at 5 and got signed in and everything. the water was broke at 6pm. Angela was not feeling contractions at this point. So we walked around the birthing center trying to help things move along and that helped alot. By 7:30 she was feeling contractions and by 8:00 she wanted the epidural. The anathesiologist arrived around 8:20 and she was happy by 8:45. The nurse checked how she had progressed and had the doctor come in to confirm and they said she was ready to push. So Angela was feeling great on the epidural and couldn't feel exactly where to push, but she pushed hard anyway for two hard hours. So was a little angel and tried so hard to get the baby to come and finally he did. He is a beauty and is so content and happy. I love my little family so much. These boys are going to be a bundle of fun. I love Angela so much and am so proud of her. She is my hero! She is feeling fine and recovering well. Pictures later


Christine said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm glad everything went well! I can't wait to see pictures!

Becca said...

Congratulations, Angela and Tim! What great news! With every birth story I read, I am more and more shocked how LONG my labors are . . . I'm so glad Grant made it safely and timely! (sorry about the 2 hours of pushing)

Aubreydoll said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see pictures (and meet him in person when I get back)!

Ruth said...

We're so glad you are here Granty-wanty to join your family-amly. The kids can't wait to hold that cute boy again!

Ashlee said...

Yay!! He made it here, and you didn't have to wait until the 29th to meet him ;) We can't wait to meet him, glad to hear that everything went well!

Marie said...

What a sweet posting! Adam would have never been that detailed. Something like "another stinkin' girl came" or something. :)

Alexis said...

Can't wait to meet little grant in person. Hope all is going well. :)

Jamie said...

Yah!!! Way to go Angela!! I'm so excited to meet little Grant! And I can't wait to see you and Zach again either! Hope all is going well back in MI.

karla said...

Congratulations - how exciting!