Sunday, October 11, 2009

Zach has had another wild and crazy week!

Starting with him qualifying for Early On because he is speaking at an 18-20 month range. I wasn't offended with him qualifying for it, I was actually grateful that there is help out there to help him get back on track. The early on lady came on Thursday to help him with his speaking skills. Then things went a little wild, because Zach was hungry and tired, so that added onto the wildness factor. First off he was supposed to do a puzzle, but he ended up banging the blocks together. She tried to get him to quiet down with the blocks but that only motivated him to get louder and louder. Then she pulled out a book and a ball and asked which one he would rather play with, obviously he chose the ball. (I asked her if anyone ever chooses the book and she said that most kids do!) She told him to roll the ball to her but he refused and said "Mine!" several times. She finally had to put away the ball and he kept trying to get it out of the bag for the rest of the hour. Her comment about that episode was "Wow, I really need to be on top of my game for this one!"

Then she said that he was hungry and that he should probably eat. I was excited because I thought that meant she would leave. Well, I was wrong, what happened is that she sat and watched him eat. His eating skills were a little dicey, and he kept throwing things off of the table because he loved her reaction. After 10 minutes of eating they went to the other room, while I was in the kitchen cleaning up. All of a sudden I hear this yell from the lady. I rush to the other room, and Zach had grabbed her hair because they were wrestling, or rather Zach was wrestling her! The first thing that entered my mind was that at least he didn't bite her! She left shortly after that. It was a long hour and I felt really bad for the lady. Hopefully next month will go better. Her parting words were "you must have your hands full with those two boys"." And it is true. Grant and I just watch Zach with awe and wonder.


Jamie said...

OH Zach...gotta love him!! I'm so glad that little Grant is such a good baby for you. Could you imagine two Zachs in a row? ;)

Brittons of Provo said...

Oh, we miss Zach! He and Gabe would be having a blast playing together, I am sure! How did his birthday go?

Aubreydoll said...

Seriously, most kids choose the book? LIE!! Oops, I could be true...