Sunday, April 4, 2010

A glimpse into what heaven must be like

This has been a crazy week to say the least:

Zach went to three Easter egg hunts in which he mastered the art of picking up eggs.

Grant has gone to see the Pediatrician, Natural allergist, and the dermatologist

We deep cleaned our house

Two birthday parties

Visiting teaching

and then

General Conference

I know that life will get busier, and that time seems to be moving faster by the second.

But as I was looking through the pictures wondering which picture to post to demonstrate this wild week. I found this sweet picture that brought me such peace and happiness and reminded me of what a lucky girl I am. I don't know what day it was, but I remember doing the dishes and looking into the living room and seeing my sweet boys. Grant was playing with his toys and Zach instead of attacking Grant, had the scriptures open. I had to take a picture of course, because this moment I knew was special and may never happen again. I stopped doing the dishes (which wasn't hard) and hung out with my boys for the rest of the day, because time moves too fast, and moments like these slip away too quickly. Before I know it these sweet boys will be all grown up and be gone before I know I am ready for them to leave!


Marianne & Clayton said...

Are you trying to kill us? My head is exploding from the cuteness. Such a sweet post. Let's just enjoy it like you said by playing outside all week.

karla said...

So cute! And what a wonderful mother you are to stop and enjoy the afternoon with them. :)