Beginning with the accomplishments of Timmy. He ran a marathon! Can you believe it! He ran it in 3 hrs. and 50 minutes running time and 4 hours and 5 minutes with water breaks. He trained all summer long with it with his friend Chris Allee from the ward. He would wake up at the crack of dawn and run with his buddy for what seemed like million upon millions of miles! Great job!
Angela's accomplishment completing the couch to 5k program...
Those who know me realize that I am not a runner. I was in track for two weeks and quit because I realized that I did not like running. However my amazing neighbor did this couch to 5k program and inspired me to do the same. I began in the middle of summer and began running one minute, walking awhile, running one minute, walking a while. It got to the point where I could run a 5k, very slowly. So since I had a marathon runner in my house, I figured he could pace me at a 10 minute mile. That's all I wanted to do was finish the 5k in 30 minutes. And I did in 29 minutes and 20 seconds. Now I have completed my fast running career and now will resume my 15 minute running mile. In the process I managed to lose zero weight and pretty sure I actually gained some, well oh well my energy level is much higher! I guess to lose weight you also have to eat healthy...
I could not have completed my couch to 5k program without my boys, these two trained with me every step of the way!
Moving to the big boy bed and sharing a room with Grant. Being a Timmy baby and loving to be with people, he didn't like being in the basement when he knew everyone was upstairs. Grant loves having him in there and Zach likes being in a huge bed!
He began going to school on Wednesdays for 30 minutes and Fridays for 45 minutes to work on his speech. He loves it and has three backpacks that he likes to take with him every time. The first day I took him to school he told me to go away and had the biggest smile on his face when I left the room as I left he told the teacher. "Mommy left, look at my backpack!"
He has begun potty training, post on that later, because that is a whole story in and of itself. We began this past Wednesday!
Zach loves to pick out pajamas for Grant and himself and night. And when he gets really ambitious he tries to get everyone matching matching, because that is his favorite thing!
Has begun to walk. He was a little rusty at first but then came alive when my parents came. What helped him a lot was running around Lake Lansing's beach and falling down in the water. He is starting to run, which is scaring me a little bit.
Got his first haircut! My mom did the beginning cut and then the next week Lexie our neighbor buzzed his head. It was sad to see his amazing locks to go, but now he looks adorable and I probably should have done it sooner!
Well there you have it, it is crazy to have so many milestones happen in such a short time. Time moves by so fast!
Angela!! What an awesome post! I am so proud of you for doing the Couch to 5k program!! You are freaking amazing to even do it while pushing 2 boys! Wonder woman!!! I had a hard enough time doing it alone. And your time was amazing!!! 29 minutes is AWESOME!!! YAY!!! My only question is why didn't you do this while I was there doing it?! I could have had a running buddy! haha. Just kidding!
I love that Zach is in a big bed! We are in the process of getting Lauren one. Let me got it off craigslist. haha!
I LOVE Grants hair cut! He looks so great! And he's walking now? Ugh! I'm missing out on so much! Good thing you update your blog!
Awesome running for TImmy as well! I can't believe that he told me it had been years since he ran and now he's already back at running marathons! He's a warrior! Good job Timmy!!
We love and miss you guys! We are telling Lauren that she will get to see Zach during Christmas. Can't wait!!
Grants new haircut looks so cute! Way to go on the 5k that is awesome:)
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