Sunday, March 8, 2009

Big Brother, Little Brother

Because we lost our camera cord, we are unable to post recent pictures. Especially of the big event of shaving Zach's mullet. We will get you those pictures as soon as possible. In the meantime here are the two profiles of Zach and "little brother" from the ultrasounds. Can you tell who is Zach and who is "little brother"?


Jamie said...

MY guess would be that the top one is baby #2... but only because I cheated and looked at the date on the ultrasound. I want to see Zach and his cute haircut... I'll bet he looks so handsome!

karla said...

I'm so glad you found my blog! And CONGRATS on #2! What a lucky little baby to have you as parents and Zach as the big bro!

And PS - Angela I LOVE the earrings you gave me before Jeff and I moved last summer. I wear them all the time. I hope you're still making the jewels. :)

Stephie Lynne Purcell said...

Angela! Do you know how much I miss you? And BUDDHA?! I found your blog and saw his picture and just about cried over how darn cute he still is. Ang big!

Congrats on the new little one- hopefully he will be just as cute :)

Ryan and Rachel said...

Wow!!! You are having another little boy? Wonderful!!! It's good to see how you are all doing. I looked at the dates too on the pictures so I agree with Jamie who commented too!!!