Sunday, November 15, 2009

Baby Steps!

I have learned a lot these past 4 months with having two boys. The first thing: to make myself feel good about my day, I set little goals like these and call it an accomplishment when actually done:

1. I got my hair done today, without Timmy being home to take the boys.

2. Both of the boys took a nap at the same time, which means, I got to take a nap!

3. I was able to get both of the boys dressed before noon.

4. We made it to mothers group or the library Story time, before it actually was over!

5. Zach didn't bite anyone today.

6. I let Timmy actually stay at school for his 8 hour allotted time.

That's all I can think of right now, and I have been sitting here for like 20 minutes thinking of other things that I possibly could've done, and yet, I can't think of any. Sooo

Here are my goals in the future....
1. Make dinner by myself
2. Exercise
3. Clean the house
4. Go to bed on time

I'll stop there, don't want to get to carried away. Plus these goals may take awhile. I might have to make up some more little goals, to make myself feel better, like... I will be dressed before 10:00 am tomorrow! Or maybe go to bed right now, because this handsome little face wakes us up every morning at 7:15 am!


Marianne & Clayton said...

That picture may have blinded me with it's cuteness. So if you see me bumping into things soon, just know it was Zach's fault. Seriously though, that boy!

Marie said...

Good job, Angela! Sounds like you're doing great with 2 boys. Your boys are so cute, I love the pictures and stories. :)

Aubreydoll said...

That's a big list of accomplishments and don't let yourself think otherwise! You're doing awesome and as long as those boys know you love them, you've done your job for the day!

Janalyn said...

Hey Ang - My oh my your posts about Zach are really fun....I am sure that I don't need to mention that you are going to heaven! Those are some pretty good goals to set...I am not sure that I am showered and dressed before 11ish most days....and today I didn't do my hair either! Your the best! We miss you guys and hope you have a wonderfully cozy Christmas!

Maddy said...

You're super woman. I don't know how you do it!! If you want to read my blog email me so I can add your email address to the list. Madiola44 @ gmail . com