Sunday, March 14, 2010

I feel a little outnumbered!

I came from a family of mostly girls. I was surrounded by sisters wherever I went, which involved a world of calmness and rainbows. Then all of a sudden I was thrown into the middle of all of these boys and a whole new world was introduced to me...

1. Wrestling, it does not look fun and I worry that someone will get hurt!

2. Eating is the most important time of the day, nothing can distract them from it, and they will do whatever it takes to get food. And I mean anything!

3. Tools are essential to have in the house and they must be handled with care.

4. Grunting, I think Timmy likes to reinforce this grunting, because of his love for Tim the Tool man Taylor. Grant however knows how to grunt very well, and I wonder if it is just instilled in them.

5. Dirt - I don't know if it is because they are the sons of Timmy who is majoring in Soil microbiology. But Zach is in heaven when he can plow something up. I am sure Grant would also be in heaven, but I am not that brave yet to put him in the middle of a dirt pile (it either could be magic or chaos).

6. Destruction - wherever they go and are, it is easy to see where they have been and where they are heading because they leave behind a trail.

7. Biting - (That might just be Zach, we apologize to anyone he has bitten and may bite in the future) Luckily Grant does not have any teeth yet.

8. Deep voices - I don't know if they are purposely trying to counterbalance my high pitch snow white voice, but there are a lot of deep voices in our house. Especially Zach's deep man voice.

9. Energy - they are always up to something and want to be doing something.

10. Love to have a companion - that is why I call my sons Timmy babies because they always love to be around someone and hate to be alone. Which means that I am now on a mission, except for I have two companions instead of one. (Unless Zach see ones of the neighbors and then he changes companions real fast)

There may be more things, but I am grateful for my trio who have taught me so much. It is fun being the only girl because then I am the princess and should technically get whatever I want, right? (I don't know if that applies to moms!)


Alexis said...

Grant looks pretty happy to be on top in the wrestling match! And I love Zach's deep, manly voice. It makes me smile every time I hear it!

Ann said...

Oh Angela! You have no idea how much I LOVE this post from you!! You made me laugh at each one you wrote. I can just hear you saying them now. So funny!! You are the best mommy ever to those cute little boys! They are lucky to have you!

Marianne & Clayton said...

We love your sweet boys! Drop them off over here anytime you need a testosterone break, or just time to erase the destruction.

Marie said...

Did Tim approve this post?! Because I'm pretty sure he would frown at the word "dirt"! My girls call Zach "Olivia's little buddy". We miss you guys!

Aubreydoll said...

Such a cute post!! Although I have to say something about growing up with sisters and having "a world of calmness and rainbows"! Your sisters must have been angels because mine were NOT! Haha, two younger sisters and I would have welcomed rainbows! :)

Becca said...

You have to admit, boys are lots of fun!