Sunday, May 2, 2010

My little little guy!

Grant just had his nine month appointment. Here is what I found out:

1. Weight is 16 pounds, which is very low. So low in fact the Pediatrician ordered a blood test to make sure he wasn't allergic to anything. His weight has dropped off the charts. The doctor wants to see him in a month to make sure his weight has gone up.

2. He has undeveloped tear ducts, so now we are going to see an eye doctor to see if someone can poke them open.

3. His rash is still there, and is caused when he gets really hot. When he starts itching his rash, more bumps appear and then his legs are covered with lots of spots.

4. His top two teeth are going to be coming in soon, maybe by next week.

5. He had to get his blood drawn, which was so hard to have to hold him down, while they drew blood. The results show that he is not allergic to anything.

I am grateful that I was able to get the help that I needed to help out Grant. And am impressed with how happy he still is despite all of his "hardships"!

As for the weight issue, luckily he has his brother to look to as a model and guide of how to be chunky. Aren't Zach's thighs amazing?


Alexis said...

Okay, I need to see more pictures of Zach when he was a baby - Holy Cow! Awesome. But skinny babies are cute as well - but no fun getting blood drawn. Miles had to do it too so hopefully Grant is just fine. He is such a sweet little guy.

Ann said...

For reals!! Zach's last picture is so funny!! What a chunk!! Too cute. Grantser is just the cutest in his smallness! Can't get enough of that kid!

Marie said...

Angela, you crack me up!!! We miss your cute little boys! Oh, and you and Tim, too, of course. :)