Monday, June 28, 2010

If they Only Knew How Much I Cared!

Those who know me really well, realize my love for cats. It began at an early age and has continued to adulthood. The only problem is that cats don't share that same love for me. I guess they don't like me running toward them at a turbo speed while I grab them into a bear hug. I don't feel like I get my money's worth until either a cat has scratched me or starts growling at me, then I reluctantly let them go. I guess this dislike for me continues on into the Wild cat family. This video is when Timmy, Zach, Grant and went to the Potter Park zoo. The Lion cage is the only reason why I go to the zoo. I could stay there for a long time. Especially when the Lion puts on a show like this! Lets just say I think that when I die, the whole cat kingdom will come and attack me! I am sorry that there is no sound in this movie, our camera is as old as the hills!


Ann said...

Oh Angela, you make me laugh so hard! I miss you so much! Keep the posts coming! I'm so proud of you! :)

Aubreydoll said...

Oh man, that was crazy, but I couldn't hear any sound!

Well, if you ever need to get your cat-petting fix, we have an attention starved cat at our house! :)